On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl>

> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Patrick McManus <mcma...@ducksong.com>
> wrote:
> > in action. Google talks loudly about all https (and has the leading track
> > record), yet there it is. And google isn't special in that regard.
> Why would they be allowed to use OE?

The reasons why any individual resource has to be http:// and may (or may
not) be able to run OE vary by resource. Of course only the content
provider can know their reason for sure. I've tried to point out in this
thread what some of those reasons can be and its really not very relevant
whether you or I agree with them unless we own the content.

I think the sweet spot for OE is transparent migration of legacy content
from plaintext to ciphertext.

But we also have an existence proof about OE and content that is compelled
to stay http:// (for whatever reason) right now. Google.com is currently
running some encrypted http:// based services via next-gen transports and
Chrome does not require auth for them.

They are doing this with opportunistic encryption (via the
Alternate-Protocol response header) for http:// over QUIC from chrome. In
the past they did this with spdy too (I'm unsure of current status of
that). They don't want the open and standards track web to participate. It
seems we can't be trusted to do what they're already proprietarily doing
for their own services.

See https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx2I7jYKXMpETlZSd1piaVpPMHM/view

The linked screenshot shows a google https:// resource that does not load
due to cert failure (I removed the required CA from my trust list) and it
also shows the http:// version of the same resource being loaded
successfully over encrypted QUIC with the same trust list (i.e. no auth). I
used an add-on and a packet trace to identify the ciphered QUIC - the
normal UI just shows normal http://.

I know some will conclude they should dumb it down. I think we ought to
smarten up instead - this serves an important use case. For our users that
find themselves using the http:// version  that ciphered quic interaction
is much better than the plaintext h1 alternative.

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