
Am 26.11.2014 um 17:35 schrieb Michael Shal:
>> Would it make sense to check in some of the libraries we build that we very
>> rarely change, and that don’t have a lot of configure dependencies people
>> twiddle with? (icu, pixman, cairo, vp8, vp9). This could speed up build
>> times in our infrastructure and for developers. This doesn’t have to be in
>> mozilla-central. mach could pick up a matching binary for the current
>> configuration from github or similar. Has anyone looked into this?
> If the code for the library isn't changing, it's the build system's 
> responsibility to ensure that nothing is done. One of the problems is that 
> the build system we use (make) is so broken that we have to clobber 
> frequently.

That's not true. We use CLOBBER because the build scripts are broken,
not make or the concepts behind make.

I once worked on a software with similar requirements, tons of
auto-generated code, and make-based build system. The Makefiles were
badly written and didn't track dependencies correctly. Consequently we
ran into exactly the same problems as with Gecko: we sometimes had to
cleanup dependencies files manually and often rebuilt too many files.

Once we fixed the Makefiles, building got fast and we never again had to
fix any dependencies by hand.

> For non-clobber builds, at least in our infra, caching can still help by 
> sharing objects among machines (eg: for a newly spun up AWS instance with no 
> previous objdir). However, caching still doesn't prevent make from doing lots 
> of unnecessary work (reading Makfiles, building a DAG and stat()ing files) 
> for things that haven't changed. In other words, if icu hasn't changed, the 
> ideal incremental build time for that component is zero, but with make it 
> will always be more than that.
>> This seems like it would speed up first-build and clobber build times, but
>> at least for me, it's incremental build performance I care about.
> gps/glandium have some more fixes in the works, but unfortunately make wasn't 
> designed to scale to projects of this size.

Make is fine and we're not the only project of this size that uses make.
The Linux kernel also does and achieves way better results here. The
problem is in our build scripts.

Best regards

> -Mike
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