On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 2:02 AM, Mike West <mk...@google.com> wrote:

>> https://mikewest.github.io/internetdrafts/origin-cookies/draft-west-origin-cookies-00.html
>> https://mikewest.github.io/internetdrafts/first-party-cookies/draft-west-first-party-cookies-00.html
>> Not many people are interested thus far is my understanding. Copied
>> Mike if he has anything to add.
> Some folks on the HTTP WG list (Martin in particular) had some interesting
> feedback, but my general impression was that I was the only one excited
> about it. I don't intend to let either spec die, as I think they're
> potentially important, but I haven't prioritized building a prototype to
> play with.

​A Mozilla colleague, Mark Goodwin, ​has worked on a nearly identical
proposal ("SameDomain" rather than "first-party") and tested a patch. Given
all the existing cookie specs live in the IETF I don't think WASWG is the
right place for it, but I'd dearly love to see it come to life.


​Dan Veditz​
dev-platform mailing list

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