On 13/04/15 15:57, Richard Barnes wrote:
> Martin Thomson and I drafted a
> one-page outline of the plan with a few more considerations here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IGYl_rxnqEvzmdAP9AJQYY2i2Uy_sW-cg9QI9ICe-ww/edit?usp=sharing

Are you sure "privileged contexts" is the right phrase? Surely contexts
are "secure", and APIs or content is "privileged" by being only
available in a secure context?

There's nothing wrong with your plan, but that's partly because it's
hard to disagree with your principle, and the plan is pretty high level.
I think the big arguments will be over when and what features require a
secure context, and how much breakage we are willing to tolerate.

I know the Chrome team have a similar plan; is there any suggestion that
we might coordinate on feature re-privilegings?

Would we put an error on the console when a privileged API was used in
an insecure context?


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