On Monday, April 13, 2015 at 8:26:59 PM UTC-7, wrote:
* Less scary warnings about self-signed certificates (i.e. treat 
HTTPS+selfsigned like we do with HTTP now, and treat HTTP like we do with 
HTTPS+selfsigned now); the fact that self-signed HTTPS is treated as less 
secure than HTTP is - to put this as politely and gently as possible - a pile 
of bovine manure

I am against this. Both are insecure and should be treated as such. How is your 
browser supposed to know that is intended to serve a self-signed 
cert? It's not, and it cannot possibly know it in the general case. Thus it 
must be treated as insecure.

Except that one is encrypted, and the other is not.  *By logical measure*, the 
one that is encrypted but unauthenticated is more secure than the one that is 
neither encrypted nor authenticated, and the fact that virtually every 
HTTPS-supporting browser assumes the precise opposite is mind-boggling.

Right, the transport is encrypted, but it's completely unverified that you are accessing the actual machine you wanted to reach (i.e. there is no domain verification, which is what you need a 3rd-party system for, the CA system being the usual one in the TLS/web realm). You could just as much be connected to a MitM with that encrypted transport.

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