On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Honza Bambas <hbam...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 7/7/2015 21:27, Jeff Gilbert wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 4:54 AM, Honza Bambas <hbam...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>>  I'm strongly against removing the prefix.  I got used to this and it has
>>> its meaning all the time I inspect code (even my own) and doing reviews.
>>> Recognizing a variable is an argument is very very useful.  It's
>>> important
>>> to have it and it's good we enforce it!
>>> -hb-
>> Please expand on this.
> Not sure how.  I simply find it useful since I was once forced to obey it
> strictly in a dom code.  It simply has its meaning.  It helps to orient.  I
> don't know what more you want from me to hear.
> I would like to have reasons why 'we' feel it's necessary or helpful when
the rest of the industry (and nearly half our own company) appears to do
fine without it. If we deviate from widespread standards, we should have
reasons to back our deviation.

More acutely, my module does not currently use `aFoo`, and our (few)
contributors do not use use or like it.  `aFoo` gets in the way for us.
Recently, there has been pressure to unify the module's style with "the
rest" of Gecko. The main complaint I have with Gecko style is `aFoo` being

Vague desires for `aFoo` are not compelling. There needs to be solid
reasons. If there are no compelling reasons, the requirement should be
removed. We have deprecated style before, and we can do it again.
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