
We intend to un-prefix HTMLMediaElement.srcObject (it currently exists as HTMLMediaElement.mozSrcObject), even though it only supports a subset of the types mandated in the spec. [1]

This means it will support get/set of: MediaStream objects.

This means it will throw TypeError on set of: MediaSource objects, Blob objects, and File objects, for now.

The intent is still to support these other types eventually. [2]

The reason for doing this now is that this subset of funtionality is believed to be stable, and is valuable to user-cases in WebRTC and MediaCapture and Streams.

Bug: https://bugzil.la/1175523

[1] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#dom-media-srcobject [2] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#media-provider-object

Platform coverage:

Estimated or target release:
ASAP, Q3, 2015
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