Thanks for clarifying. Based on this, it seems like another way to solve
this would be to simply
stop worrying about breaking comm-central. Wouldn't that be even easier?


On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Gregory Szorc <> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 11:13 PM, Eric Rescorla <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Gregory Szorc <> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Mike Hommey <> wrote:
>>> > On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 01:22:35PM -0400, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
>>> > > I support going back to a giant monolithic repository if we can
>>> cleanly
>>> > > delineate the code for various projects.
>>> > >
>>> > > We know that the searchability and readability of our code is a major
>>> > > barrier to some kinds of participation. We should continue to
>>> optimize
>>> > > ourselves around that workflow.
>>> > >
>>> > > Does this proposal come with a plan to check out subsets of the
>>> code? In
>>> > > particular, I want to express the following as something inbetween
>>> > "serious
>>> > > concerns" and "requirements":
>>> > >
>>> > >  * The default view of should not include
>>> non-Firefox
>>> > code
>>> > >  * The default checkout should not include non-Firefox code. (Note:
>>> > >    this is about the working tree: I don't think the space in the .hg
>>> > >    directory matters enough to worry about).
>>> > >
>>> > > >- TTBOMK, Thunderbird is Mozilla's second largest project in terms
>>> of
>>> > > >   number of users, behind Firefox, and before Firefox for Android
>>> and
>>> > > >   Firefox OS.  Many of those users may legitimately want to
>>> contribute
>>> > > >   to Thunderbird, and the bar to entry is made much higher by the
>>> > > >   multi-repository setup and the extra complexity it entails.
>>> Mozilla
>>> > is
>>> > > >   actively making the bar to entry for Firefox/Firefox for
>>> > > >   Android/Firefox OS contributions lower, at the expense of
>>> Thunderbird
>>> > > >   contributors. This is a sad state of affairs.
>>> > >
>>> > > I'm sorry that it makes you sad, but Mozilla has explicitly decided
>>> to
>>> > > prioritize the bar to entry for Firefox development, and the speed of
>>> > > development of Firefox, at the expense of Thunderbird (and
>>> seamonkey).
>>> >
>>> > What's even more sad is that it's at the expense of Thunderbird (and
>>> > SeaMonkey) *and* at the expense of Firefox build system changes.
>>> I want to reiterate my original response and what Mike said in the
>>> original
>>> post.
>>> We'll be investing pretty heavily in the Firefox build system in 2016. I
>>> cannot stress enough the pain comm-central's existence as a separate
>>> repository gives us when trying to make build system, mach, and
>>> automation
>>> changes. It slows us down and makes our lives (and code!) more painful
>>> than
>>> they could be.
>> Can you explain why this is? Is it that the Firefox build system does not
>> build the artifacts you would need to then build TB or is it that you need
>> to somehow figure out how to make TB build alongside Firefox?
> comm-central's build system and tools are bolted on extensions to
> mozilla-central's corresponding tools, which aren't really meant to be
> extended in that way. mozilla-central's build system and tools like mach
> have to make special considerations for running inside comm-central. The
> relationships are hacky, not very well defined, don't have much visibility,
> hard to debug, and are prone to breakage. The extra code complexity to
> support running things from a separate repository (which means things like
> teaching tools about the existence of multiple source directories) really
> weighs us down. I've lost several days to "because comm-central" issues.
> As a concrete example that's come up in the past few weeks, we can't
> easily make wanted changes to files or packaging of add-ons/XPIs
> because it means developing, testing, and coordinating landing of changes
> across mozilla-central and comm-central. It's much easier to let
> sub-optimal patterns linger in mozilla-central because the overhead of
> developing a parallel set of changes for comm-central is too high. I dare
> say the knowledge of impending dread from having to deal with comm-central
> fallout has discouraged me from making major build system and tooling
> changes. This situation passively hurts everyone.
>>> Continued existence of comm-central as a separate repository will slow
>>> down
>>> build system, tools, and automation progress. The developer productivity
>>> survey results say that Mozilla staff overwhelmingly want these things to
>>> be much better. A vote against this proposal is a vote against making the
>>> jobs of "toolers" easier and a vote delaying the progress of improvements
>>> to developer workflows, infrastructure, productivity, and happiness.
>>> As a "tooler" who wants to make your lives better, I emphatically support
>>> merging comm-central into mozilla-central.
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