On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 5:47 PM, Tantek Çelik <tan...@cs.stanford.edu>

> However, As EKR pointed out, Kyle Huey's
> > Why should we be the ones to take the web compat hit on this?
> is the fundamentally biggest issue.

I realize I'm late to this thread and the discussion has moved the original
proposal towards something more refined and hence more likely to succeed,
but I'd still like to make a case for this tradeoff:

We should be the ones doing this, because we want to be known as the most
secure, most private browser.

This is isn't an easy position to reach or maintain. It's not as clear-cut
as the fastest browser, or the less memory-demanding browser, but it is one
we have identified as holding a competitive advantage for. Security and
privacy impact usability, that is a well-known fact, otherwise we'd all be
using Tor by now. So let's iterate on this or other similar proposals,
let's ship them off by default, let's provide great onboarding experiences,
documentation, whatever it takes, but let's not shy away from even trying.
Because what other path has a better chance to help us get to where we want
to be?

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