On 07/14/2016 05:36 PM, ajo...@mozilla.com wrote:
On Friday, 15 July 2016 00:16:07 UTC+8, Georg Fritzsche  wrote:
This gives an overview of the current incoming Telemetry for Linux (from a
1% sample of our data, "canonical" is the Ubuntu distribution):
Also keep in mind, unless using opt-out probes, that the opt-in rates for
Telemetry are low:
Most of the major distros use Pulse Audio so they can add Pulse Audio as a 
package dependency. Our official builds are in a different bucket so we're 
better to use the update ping to get data from them.

Distros can still ship with ALSA support but they will need to take on the 
burden of making sure it works. There may be value in that for distros that are 
specific to a single piece of hardware.

I know it's kind of crazy given our garbage-collected, single content process world, but reading this thread makes me wonder what it would take to use the browser to implement a real linux-hosted audio workstation-type app. As in, something that requires truly low-latency audio with mixing. My (years stale) understanding is that pulseaudio is kind of the wrong model, and can't really offer the right guarantees at an architectural level. ALSA is, as ever, a mess, and just because you can play sound through ALSA on one hardware configuration doesn't really mean much for other drivers.

Last I knew, JACK was the only way to get basically no dropouts and still be able to do nontrivial audio processing. But a JACK backend for the browser just seems kind of silly; it's too much of a niche "market" to try for anytime soon.

Can anyone comment who is knowledgeable about audio and the state of linux audio, unlike me? I'm curious how far off base I am. If I were to try to do this today, I'd probably just use the browser to create the UI and talk to a native app over a socket or ctypes or something.

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