On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 5:09 AM, Steve Fink <sf...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> I know it's kind of crazy given our garbage-collected, single content
> process world, but reading this thread makes me wonder what it would take
> to use the browser to implement a real linux-hosted audio workstation-type
> app. As in, something that requires truly low-latency audio with mixing. My
> (years stale) understanding is that pulseaudio is kind of the wrong model,
> and can't really offer the right guarantees at an architectural level. ALSA
> is, as ever, a mess, and just because you can play sound through ALSA on
> one hardware configuration doesn't really mean much for other drivers.
> Last I knew, JACK was the only way to get basically no dropouts and still
> be able to do nontrivial audio processing. But a JACK backend for the
> browser just seems kind of silly; it's too much of a niche "market" to try
> for anytime soon.

A JACK backend for cubeb, hence Firefox, exists but isn't compiled into
Mozilla builds.

The Web Audio API lets audio processing run on its own real-time thread,
and that's what Gecko does, although on Linux unprivileged users running
Firefox can't give that thread real-time priority.

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