Hi all! I'm a spec editor for WebVR and implementer on Chrome. Wanted to chime 
in on a few points.

Boris: Thanks for the spec bugs you've filed and the concern about improving 
the spec language to ensure consistent implementations between browsers. The 
type of issues you have brought up are exactly the sort of thing that we were 
hearing from Google's side as well and a large part of why we're pursuing what 
we refer to as the "2.0" spec (which is a terrible name given that it's 
intended to ultimately be the only version of the spec, but that's a different 

The 2.0 version of the spec currently exists mostly in explainer form right now 
(https://github.com/w3c/webvr/blob/master/explainer.md) while we prep for a TAG 
review. Once that's complete and we've made the appropriate adjustments we'll 
start working on real spec language. It's my intent to focus on making that 
version of the spec far more explicit, algorithmic, and attentive to web 
platform conventions. (I've been frequently referring to 
https://garykac.github.io/procspec/ and 
https://w3ctag.github.io/design-principles/ when figuring out what the spec 
language should look like.)

Given that we know that we have a newer/better version of the spec in the 
pipeline We've been reluctant to personally put much time into fleshing out the 
1.1 version. I don't think I'd classify 1.1 as "stabilized" so much as "no 
longer being invested in". I wouldn't object to updating it with clarifications 
if necessary, though. 

I should also point out that on Google's end we are currently making the 1.1 
spec available via an Origin Trial, but have no plans on enabling it by default 
at this time. It's our intent to continue the Origin Trial while the 2.0 spec 
is finalized, stripping out some deprecated functionality in the meantime to 
prevent developers from growing dependent on it. Once 2.0 is ready we'll 
replace our 1.1 implementation entirely, run the Origin Trial for a little 
longer to gather feedback, and then enable by default.

A few other points of clarification, mostly referring to Kip's original post:
 - We currently have a W3C community group, rather than a full fledged working 
 - Oculus has been participating in development of the spec but (somewhat to my 
surprise) is not yet an official member of the community group.
 - Samsung is currently shipping an even older version of the API (what we call 
1.0). They are working on 1.1 support now, as I understand it.
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