On Friday, September 29, 2017 at 2:32:57 PM UTC-5, Kris Maglione wrote:

> Security & privacy concerns:
> This change will allow extensions to inject content into sites which can 
> (and probably will) cause security and privacy issues. However, it's 
> already quite easy for malicious or badly-implemented extensions to 
> create similar issues, and I don't think this change significantly 
> increases the risk. It may even mitigate it in some cases, since the 
> alternative of loading or evaling third-party scripts into the content 
> script sandbox would give them direct access to elevated privileges.
> Per the CSP spec, those injections are assumed to be at the user's 
> behest, and should therefore take priority over the page author's 
> preferences.

+1 on this part.

As an add-on author, when I need to inject something the page CSP doesn't 
allow, I can already over-write the page CSP to allow it. But that feels more 
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