On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 8:17 AM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> The fact is, direct DOM manipulation with no parser involved is really
> annoying to use.

​Fair enough. Could we propose improvements to the API​s that would make
them more usable? For example an object argument to createElement() that
contained attribute/value pairs?

  var div = document.createElement("div", null, {"id":"foo",

(the null is for the existing custom elements options param)

Wordier than your parent.prepend("<div id=foo class=bar>") example, but
safer from developers trying to get clever with it. Such a short example
isn't going to fall victim to CSP blockage. In a longer example with src
URLs the overhead might not be too bad.

​Dan Veditz​
dev-platform mailing list

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