Om my system ( retina macbook pro ) 70 is starting to look like a better
compromise for tab readability.

How I have been testing this:

   - change the value to a specific number, say 70
   - open enough tabs so that overflow triggers, then close two tabs, then
   open a tab ( we retain overflow until 2 tabs have been closed! )
   - count the number of tabs opened
   - open chrome and open that number of tabs
   - compare the utility of each browser


On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 9:37 AM, Marco Bonardo <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 10:36 PM, Jeff Griffiths <>
> wrote:
> > 1. do you prefer the existing behaviour or the new behaviour?
> > 2. if you prefer a value for this pref different than 50 or 100, what
> > is it? Why?
> I prefer being able to see a minimum part of the title, because I very
> often have multiple tabs open on the same page (many bugzilla, many
> searchfox, many crash-stats) and now I cannot distinguish them at all.
> But at the same time, I never liked much the scrolling behavior, at a
> point that when my tabs start scrolling, I begin a cleaning taks to
> close some of them.
> Looks like I'm unhappy in both cases, sorry. If I'd really have to
> pick, I'd probably would like to see the first 10 chars of the title.
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