On 10/04/2017 12:43 PM, Jeff Griffiths wrote:
Om my system ( retina macbook pro ) 70 is starting to look like a better compromise for tab readability.
I think 70 is better than 50, but I noticed that if a foreground tab starts to play audio and we need to show the audio icon alongside the tab close icon, the 70px width is actually not enough and the tab pushes its width out a bit!  I think we need to consider a minimum of 75px instead.

But still I think this is a serious degradation for existing users who have many tabs in terms of the readability of the titles, but we can mitigate it by perhaps reducing the padding.  For example, see this screenshot:


It shows at above browser.tabs.tabMinWidth = 100 and below browser.tabs.tabMinWidth = 75 with the paddings in each tab reduced by 13 pixels.  There is very little reduction to the amount of space available for the tab title if we do something like this, I think...


How I have been testing this:

  * change the value to a specific number, say 70
  * open enough tabs so that overflow triggers, then close two tabs,
    then open a tab ( we retain overflow until 2 tabs have been closed! )
  * count the number of tabs opened
  * open chrome and open that number of tabs
  * compare the utility of each browser


On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 9:37 AM, Marco Bonardo <mbona...@mozilla.com <mailto:mbona...@mozilla.com>> wrote:

    On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 10:36 PM, Jeff Griffiths
    <jgriffi...@mozilla.com <mailto:jgriffi...@mozilla.com>> wrote:
    > 1. do you prefer the existing behaviour or the new behaviour?
    > 2. if you prefer a value for this pref different than 50 or 100,
    > is it? Why?

    I prefer being able to see a minimum part of the title, because I very
    often have multiple tabs open on the same page (many bugzilla, many
    searchfox, many crash-stats) and now I cannot distinguish them at all.
    But at the same time, I never liked much the scrolling behavior, at a
    point that when my tabs start scrolling, I begin a cleaning taks to
    close some of them.
    Looks like I'm unhappy in both cases, sorry. If I'd really have to
    pick, I'd probably would like to see the first 10 chars of the title.

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