On 2/2/2019 10:02 PM, Philipp Kewisch wrote:
On 1/24/19 11:25 PM, Paolo Amadini wrote:
I'm not expecting any major changes to the new about:config that would require
communication, as long as a the boundary between toolkit and browser is

On this specifically, the boundary between "toolkit" and "browser" is
really blurred at the moment, mostly for historical reasons. This is
reflected by all the special cases we have in the build system.

It's more probable that if the distinction becomes clearer in the
future, it would probably see "toolkit" as the shared folder between
Android and Desktop, with "browser" being the Desktop-specific folder
and "mobile" being the Android-specific one. Thus, some things that are
now in "toolkit" would move to "browser" and not the other way around.

Alternatively, these might just become more blurred as we continue
working on multiple products in mozilla-central without a clear
direction for the organization of these folder other than historical
reasons. In this case, we might find that we can move assets more freely
and we can consider "toolkit" as shared with Thunderbird, with a passive
commitment to making updates to "toolkit" on Thunderbird's request.

Speaking for the Thunderbird project after conferring with our
engineering manager, a separate code base for such an integral feature
of toolkit would not lessen the maintenance burden.

Thanks for discussing this. I've filed bug 1524836 where we can evaluate
our options and continue the discussion for "about:config" specifically.

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