Summary: Since Firefox 57, users have been able to install additional
search engines in the shape of a WebExtension[1] from
(AMO), whereas this used to only be possible using the OpenSearch XML
format[2]. Since Firefox 68, all the search engines we distribute are

Websites are currently able to advertise their search engine to the
browser[4], but this is not yet possible for WebExtension search engines.

We’re proposing a new mime-type to be supported for <link rel=“search”>
tags, other than “application/opensearchdescription+xml”: “x-xpinstall” for
WebExtension search engines. Example: <link rel=“search” type=“x-xpinstall”

NB: we are aware that the (pseudo-)mime-type “x-xpinstall” is not
particularly friendly to cross-browser adoption, so we’re very much open to
suggestions! Possible alternatives might be “x-webext” or “x-webextension”.
Please reply in this thread with your ideas.

NB2: We are collaborating with the addons team at Mozilla to consider
autodiscovery of addons in general, using this mechanism, but haven’t
reached a point where we can announce something concrete.


Standard: The WebExtension API documentation can be found at [4]. There is
no standard known to us for this feature and we are not collaborating with
other browsers at this point (see ‘Other browsers’ below).

Platform coverage: This feature will be available on Firefox Desktop, on
all supported platforms.

Preference: We intend to ship this feature pref'd on by default, but it may
be disabled by setting the “" pref
to ‘false’.

DevTools bug: N/A.

Other browsers: We haven’t been in active discussion with other browser
vendors regarding this feature, since our primary motivation for moving to
WebExtensions wholesale is motivated by our fight against malware and
search hijackers. We are open to any type of collaboration with other
browsers regarding this feature and WebExtension search engines in the
broadest sense.

web-platform-tests: (web-)Search has never been considered an official part
of the web-platform and the OpenSearch specification hasn’t seen any major
updates for over a decade. Test coverage is provided by XPCShell and
Mochitest-browser tests written specifically for the ‘search’ toolkit

Secure contexts: Yes.

Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes? Yes, this feature
does not have any impact on sandboxed iframes.

As of Firefox 75, the intent is to turn WebExtension search engine
discovery on by default on all platforms. It has been developed behind the preference. See above for the
shipping status in other browsers.

Product: Mike Connor.

Bug to implement and turn on by default:



[3] See where we
converted all our own, built-in engines to WebExtensions.

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