On Thu, 20 Feb 2020 at 00:17, Daniel Veditz <dved...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 2:10 PM Dale Harvey <dhar...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> > If you _do_ invent a new one shared with other browser vendors, please
>> > don't use an "x-" prefix in anything new.
>> Thanks, I got notice of others concerns about this as well and have been
>> looped in to discuss this more with standards before shipping. Once we have
>> something agreeable will make sure to update this thread.
> If the file format is a Gecko-specific standard add-on .xpi (of a specific
> type) then it's not going to be supported by other browsers (each browser
> has their own signature requirements even though all Web Extensions are
> basically ZIP archives). Since it is the same file format and extension you
> might as well use the historical "application/x-xpinstall" we use for
> add-ons. It's not making the "X-" Content-Type problem any worse, and for
> sites that already have a type mapping for .xpi (granted, not many) they
> won't have to jump through hoops setting up a different one for use
> depending on where it's served. If you do use a different Content-Type then
> you should probably use something other than .xpi for the file extension,
> even if it's the same inside.
> -Dan Veditz

Cheers, I met with Anne about this today and think you are right here.
These are very similiar to links to WebExtensions and reusing the existing
type makes sense from a standards + developers perspective. I will close
out this one and send out a new Intent to Ship with the corrected details.

Thanks for your feedback
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