On 26/04/14 16:45, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> If a business chooses to give some or even all of its services away
> free, those who benefit from those services are still customers and
> still in the same ethical relationship with the business as people who
> paid for services (perhaps the same service, perhaps not).
> In particular, the business may *not* duck out of ethical obligations
> incurred by circumstances beyond any customer's control (e.g.
> catastrophic bugs in software everyone relies on ;-) just because some
> of its customers are not *paying* customers.

Hi Zack,

Let's imagine StartCom said to you: "OK, we will perform free
revocations for all Heartbleed-affected certificates, as you request.
And we are changing our business model to charge up-front for certs like
all the other CAs, so we don't get hit with a big cost like this again.
No more free-of-charge 1-year-valid certs on the Internet."

Would you consider that a good trade-off, in terms of improving the
general security of the Internet?

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