
thanks you for your statement! I appreciate this a lot.

Am 04/29/2014 01:16 AM, schrieb Kathleen Wilson:

>> assumed to be compromised? (Compromised, due to heartbleed, not
>> revoked, because of non-paying subscribers?)
> In regards to policy…
> In general, Mozilla’s CA Policy does not tell CAs how to structure
> the finances of their business.
> According to Mozilla’s CA Maintenance Policy, a CA has to revoke a
> cert when “the CA obtains reasonable evidence that the subscriber’s
> private key … has been compromised or is suspected of compromise”.
> Does showing that the subscriber was running a bad version of
> OpenSSL count? Many sites that were vulnerable to heartbleed were
> not provably compromised. Mozilla’s CA Maintenance policy does not
> say that a CA has to revoke a cert if the software on the server
> had a bug in it.

> If the subscriber shows evidence (logs, etc) that their private key
> was accessed or compromised, then the CA is required to revoke the 
> certificate. But Mozilla’s CA Policy does *not* say that a CA has
> to issue a replacement cert.

Ok - I take this as a "StartSSL is not violating Mozilla's policies" -
I think that by the nature of heartbleed hardly anybody is able to
provide this evidence.

I think, the debate is settled now and will leave it.
Thanks to you all for your helpful input!

> My personal opinion…
> I have personally benefited from "free" certs, and would be sad to
> see such services go away. However, I understand that in light of
> recent events CAs who have previously offered free certs might
> consider adding an up-front fee or shrinking the certificate
> validity period for free certs.

I benefited from free services, too. But - personally - the risk of
being fooled by assumed-to-be compromised certs is more important to
me. By that decision, I removed StartSSL from my truststore.
But - as said - this is a personal decision and I don't see any reason
for arguing about that.

> The heartbleed bug caught many of us by surprise, and has caused
> many of us to reconsider our policies and practices regarding
> revocation.

100% agree - sadly :-/

> A positive side effect is that more attention will be put on
> revocation. (more about this later)

Being positive here is a nice thing. :-)
I'm more and more depressed about the state of PKIs and TLS / SSL out
there :-(

Greetz, Jan
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