On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 7:53 PM, David E. Ross <nobody@nowhere.invalid> wrote:
> On 5/28/2015 4:32 PM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
>> I have started the wiki page for this, and I will appreciate your
>> feedback on it.
>> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:RootTransferPolicy
> It appears that some of the numbered items apply only to Physical
> Relocation while others also apply to Change in Legal Ownership.  This
> appears implied by the statement under Personnel Changes.  All of this
> is confusing.

I agree it is confusing.  I've read it several times and am still not clear.

I think one of the reasons that it is not clear is that the term "CA"
gets used for multiple things:
1) The entity that operates one or more CAs
2) A single CA which has policies, practices, procedures
3) The key pair and Distinguished Name of the single CA

The concept of a "root transfer" could include transferring one, two,
or three of these things.

In one case, control of the entity that operates CAs is transferred as
a whole.  This could be due to corporate sale or due to reorganization
of a larger entity (e.g. a Government operated CA moves from one
ministry or department to another ministry or department).  The
existing entity does not change.

In a second case, the entity currently operating the CA decides to no
longer operate the CA and transfers the whole thing (policies,
practices, procedures and keys) to a new entity.  The original entity
continues to exist and carry out other business, which may or may not
include operating other CAs.

In the third case, the entity currently operating the CA decides to
transfer the key and right to the Distinguished Name (and possibly
right to the policy object identifier for EV policies) to another
entity.  The new entity establishes its own policies, practices, and

The last two cases could be seen as the same thing, as a CA can change
their policies, practices, and procedures at any time, so the last
case could be the second case with an immediate change in policy.

This is where I would focus the root transfer policy.  When legal
control of a given CA changes, what is required?  Must the entity that
formerly controlled the CA notify Mozilla?  Must the new entity notify
Mozilla?  How must the notification be provided?  What information
must be provided?  What information must be public and what
information is held confidential by Mozilla?  I don't see these
covered in the wiki and these seem like critical items for the policy.

Separately there is transport of the "physical" embodiment of the CA
-- that is transport of the private key between locations.  This could
occur due to a transfer of the CA or due to normal operations of the

WebTrust for CAs requires "the storage of required cryptographic
materials (i.e., secure cryptographic device and activation materials)
at an alternate location" for business continuity purposes, so every
WebTrust CA will at some point have to transport the private key
between locations.  I suspect ETSI has a similar requirement.

With this requirement in mind, I don't think it makes sense for
Mozilla to specify a transport procedure or process in detail.
Rather, I would simply focus on the fact that the WebTrust (or ETSI)
requirements apply at all times, even during transport.  So the CA
must ensure that "physical access to CA [...] equipment is limited to
authorized individuals",the equipment "is operated under multiple
person (at least dual custody) control", and "unauthorized CA system
usage is [able to be] detected" at all times.  The auditor must
confirm that there are appropriate procedures in place ensure that the
requirements are met and those procedures are followed.  This is
already required by the overall Mozilla CA policy, so I don't think a
supplemental policy is needed.

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