On 6/2/2015 10:44 AM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> I've re-written the "Change in Legal Ownership" section. Please send me 
> feedback on the new version, and let me know if this is heading in the 
> right direction.
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:RootTransferPolicy#Change_in_Legal_Ownership
> Thanks,
> Kathleen

That section does not address the case when ownership of the
organization changes with the new owner retaining the old owner's
physical facilities and personnel but with new organizational policies.
 My 40+ years as a computer programmer and a software test engineer
(prior to retirement) shows that this is a very real situation; I
experienced this more than once.

If the organization's policies change, that might include the CP/CPS.
Even if those two documents do not change, higher-level organizational
policy changes might impact adherence to the CP/CPS.  Thus, a change of
ownership of either the certification authority or a root certificate
requires some review by Mozilla beyond what is proposed.

Furthermore, I do think customers of the old certification authority
must be informed of the change of ownership.  This is standard practice
for banks, physicians, attorneys, and other entities where trust between
the provider of a service and its customers is important.  By
"customers", I would include both subscribers (notified by the old
owner) and end-users (notified here in mozilla.dev.security.policy).

David E. Ross

I am sticking with SeaMonkey 2.26.1 until saved passwords can
be used when autocomplete=off.  See
dev-security-policy mailing list

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