On 6/1/2015 2:45 PM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> On 5/29/15 4:55 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 5/29/2015 2:16 PM, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
>>> On 5/28/15 7:53 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>>>>> I have started the wiki page for this, and I will appreciate your
>>>>> feedback on it.
>>>>> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:RootTransferPolicy
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Kathleen
>>>> Does the line beginning "In all of these cases, the CA should take ..."
>>>> apply only to Physical Relocation?  If not, the section beginning with
>>>> that line should have its own section header.
>>>> It appears that some of the numbered items apply only to Physical
>>>> Relocation while others also apply to Change in Legal Ownership.  This
>>>> appears implied by the statement under Personnel Changes.  All of this
>>>> is confusing.
>>> I updated the wiki page to hopefully make it more clear.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kathleen
>> Under "Change in Legal Ownership", how will Mozilla assure its users
>> that the new owner is competent to operate as a certification authority?
>>   How quickly will Mozilla assure itself and its users that the new owner
>> is at least as trustworthy as the old owner?  How quickly will users be
>> informed of the change of ownership?
> The "Change in Legal Ownership" section is short because a change in 
> ownership in itself is not particularly interesting to me. It becomes 
> interesting to me if the change in ownership means that the root 
> certificate's private key will be physically moved, and/or that the 
> organization (people) operating the root certificate and hierarchy will 
> change.
> So, in answer to your questions...
>>> Under "Change in Legal Ownership", how will Mozilla assure its users
>>> that the new owner is competent to operate as a certification authority?
>>> How quickly will Mozilla assure itself and its users that the new owner
>>> is at least as trustworthy as the old owner?
> See the "Personnel Changes" section:
> "the CA who is transferring the operation of the PKI must ensure that 
> the transfer recipient is able to fully comply with Mozilla’s CA 
> Certificate Policy. The original CA will continue to be responsible for 
> the root certificate until the new organization has provided Mozilla 
> with their Primary Point of Contact, CP/CPS documentation, and audit 
> statement confirming successful transfer of the root."
>>> How quickly will users be
>>> informed of the change of ownership?
> Not sure what you're asking for here...
> Are you saying we should add a requirement for the CAs to notify their 
> customers?
> Or are you asking that there be an announcement in 
> mozilla.dev.security.policy whenever such a change has happened?
> Kathleen

No, I disagree that a change of ownership is a change of personnel.  I
have worked as an employee through three changes in the ownership of my
employer without seeing a change in the technical personnel.  However,
each change of ownership involved wholesale changes in policies and
practices.  In one other case, I worked for a software contractor at a
NASA facility where all the contracting companies were terminated; but
some of the contractor's employees immediately went to work directly for
NASA.  Thus, changing ownership of a certification authority (an
organization) or of a root certificate is not necessarily covered by
Personnel Changes.

Now that I think of it, any of the three -- Change in Legal Ownership,
Physical Relocation, and Personnel Changes -- should indeed be announced
here in mozilla.dev.security.policy; this is where individual who might
be concerned about such a change or know of an adverse impact from the
change would be a subscriber.  Furthermore, since any such change might
mean different costs for subscribers to renew a certificate, different
domains for E-mail and downloading intermediate certificates, different
technical help contacts, or a conflict of business interests, the (old)
certification authority should indeed notify its customers.

David E. Ross

I am sticking with SeaMonkey 2.26.1 until saved passwords can
be used when autocomplete=off.  See
dev-security-policy mailing list

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