The Mozilla Trusted Root program can and should police violations of the
Mozilla Trusted Root program, and any other fraudulent *publicly trusted*
certificates. That's non-controversial.

Policing violations of more general social norms -- by choosing to actively
distrust non-publicly-trusted certificates -- I wonder how effective that's
going to be at mitigating the threat, and how quickly a less
black-and-white case will arise that will put Mozilla in a much tougher

Peter Bowen explained earlier how nation-state MITMs inherently violate the
Baseline Requirements:

> I agree 100%.  MITM implies that they are not following BR, as there
> is no way they can be validating domain control[1].  This should mean
> that they cannot complete a BR audit without having a massive
> qualification on the report.

And that the only way they could argue otherwise is to say that they have
practical domain control from their nation-level vantage point. That sounds
like an absurd counter-argument to me, but if there's any weakness in the
BRs or Mozilla policies that allows that counter-argument to be non-absurd,
then proposals to make clear in the BRs or Mozilla policies that "domain
control" means something global would be helpful.

-- Eric

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Jakob Bohm <>
> wrote:
> > On 12/01/2016 16:49, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> >>
> >> It really isn't a good idea for Mozilla to try to mitigate the
> >> security concerns of people living in a police state. The cost of
> >> doing so is you will set precedents that others demand be respected.
> >>
> >> Yes providing crypto with a hole in it will be better than no crypto
> >> at all for the people who don't have access to full strength crypto.
> >> But if you go that route only crypto with a hole will be available.
> >>
> >
> > No one (except the MiTM CA itself, possibly) is suggesting that Mozilla
> > include or authorize any MiTM CA to work in its browsers (or anything
> else
> > using the Mozilla CA list).
> >
> > The discussion is how to *not* authorize it, without thereby causing too
> > much collateral damage.
> Yes, that is the issue we should be considering. The issue of
> collateral damage isn't just limited to one set of governments though.
> Anything we allow a police state, the FBI will demand and of course,
> vice versa which is one of the reasons for rejecting the FBI demands.
> > Questions being seriously discussed:
> >
> > - Should Mozilla add specific mechanisms that prevent the subjects of a
> >  police state from obeying police orders to compromise their own
> >  browser?  This is the most hotly debated topic in this thread.
> >
> > - Should Mozilla find a mechanism to allow only the non-MiTM part of a
> >  dual use CA which is being used both as an MiTM CA and as the
> >  legitimate CA for accessing government services, such as transit visa
> >  applications by foreign travelers planning to cross the territory of
> >  the police state on their way somewhere else?
> >
> > - How to most easily reject requests by the MiTM CAs to become
> >  globally trusted CAs in the Mozilla CA store.  Without causing
> >  precedents that would hurt legitimate CAs from countries that happen
> >  not to be allies of the USA.  So far, the best suggestion (other than
> >  to stall them on technicalities) is to find an interpretation of the
> >  existing CA rules which cannot be satisfied by any MiTM CA.
> Not accepting a demand, making clear a demand will never be accepted
> is not the same as giving a refusal.
> On the other questions, let us return to what the original basis for
> the WebPKI was: Process.
> There are existing precedents for revoking certificates that are
> demonstrated to be malicious. One of the purposes of the CAA extension
> was to provide an objective definition of malicious behavior. There
> are at least two parties that have infrastructure that is capable of
> detecting certificates that violate CAA constraints.
> At the moment we don't have a very large number of domains with CAA
> records. The more domain name holders we can persuade to deploy CAA,
> the sooner an objective default will be detected.
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