Steve <> writes:

>They state no business case where the 9 payment gateways are accessible by
>browsers or that any business case exists on the gateways that uses any
>client other than the payment terminal.

So these things will never see access by a browser enforcing the SHA-1
restrictions?  Where is the restriction coming from then, is it that the
browser vendors have told the CAs (via the CAB Forum) they can't issue SHA-1
certs of any kind, even if they're only used in a private PKIs?

I'd really like to get some comment from WorldPay on precisely what's going on
here.  It'd be a lot easier to sort out if we knew exactly what was happening,
Rob Stradling posted a good base set of questions that need to be answered.
If we knew more details it seems like there could be an easier solution than
having to break the no-SHA1-any-more rule.


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