For those who are unaware, payment terminals, especially older ones, generally 
do not have remote update functionality anyway.  Even for modern ones that do, 
I've heard from point of sale vendors that maybe 25% at most of their terminals 
in the field are reachable, often because of not enabling the feature to avoid 
breaking tested systems at random times, segmented networks, and firewalls, and 
so on.

Getting rid of older terminal software generally involves replacing the 
terminal, because shipping a USB securely under dual control to a pizza shop 
franchise owner and expecting him to update his terminal's firmware 
successfully generally doesn't work.  The people involved aren't technical 

Also, for those suggesting modifications to the terminal systems themselves, be 
aware that there are extensive audit or validation requirements for any 
software or configuration changes on payment terminals.  A new PCI PA-DSS audit 
is not going to be completed in 4 days.

The financial services industry is extremely complicated, and has all sorts of 
warts that I'm not even going to try to defend, but for those unfamiliar with 
it, I'd caution against proposing impractical solutions that could very well do 
far more harm than good.  Yes, these businesses should have done a far better 
job avoiding this problem, but the risk related to issuing a limited number of 
carefully controlled certificates must be balanced against the reality of 
denying thousands of small, medium and large businesses the ability to accept 
cardholder transactions.


-----Original Message-----
From: dev-security-policy 
On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 9:16 AM
To: Rob Stradling; Peter Gutmann
Cc: Gervase Markham;; Kathleen 
Wilson; Richard Barnes
Subject: Re: Proposed limited exception to SHA-1 issuance

Their path to avoid disruption to consumers on Sunday is the 9 gateways, not 
the 10,000+ terminals.  Pushing firmware to devices that handle money in a 
hurry would show very poor security and privacy posture.  I don't want 
yesterday's build in my wallet.


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