On Sat, Nov 05, 2016 at 09:09:49AM +0000, Gervase Markham wrote:
> > If they had sent an incident report to Mozilla I would agree, but I do
> > not think that CAs should be credited for noticing mistakes when they
> > try to sweep them under the rug.  This is particularly true in the case
> > of SHA-1 misissuance, where revoking without broader notification
> > demonstrates not competence but rather a lack of understanding of the
> > risks.
> Your point being that if they do disclose, the community can then run
> crypto analysis over the cert to see if it's likely to be constructed as
> part of a collision attempt?

I think in general we want to hear from CAs about any incident,
including BR violations. For all the bugs we filed in bugzilla
about SHA-1, 1024 bit RSA keys, and so on there should be an
incident report, and it should _at least_ be mentioned in their
audit. But they really should send such incident reports to all
root programs at the moment they knew about it.


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