> On Jul 28, 2017, at 09:34, Alex Gaynor via dev-security-policy 
> <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> Frankly I was surprised to see Chromium reverse course on this -- they have
> a history of aggressive leadership in their handling of CA failures, it's a
> little disappointing to see them abandon that.
> I'd strongly advocate for us perusing an earlier date -- December 1st at
> the latest.

I strongly agree. Even if an organization has a conservative freeze in October 
for Black Friday/Cyber Monday at the end of November, replacing certificates 
issued before 2016-06-01 within the next two months should be feasible. If 
re-issuing these old certificates is problematic in any way, I would have 
expected Symantec to warn their customers and provide a solution immediately in 
March after Chrome released the first version of their plan for distrust based 
on validity period or in April/May when Chrome’s subsequent revisions of the 
plan included the 2017-08-08 distrust date.

Actions are much more compelling than delay tactics and counter-proposals, so 
the complete lack of proactive measures from Symantec indicates to me that they 
do not consider the implementation of the various detailed proposals of 
distrust over the next few months to be a problem for their customers.

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