On Thu, 30 Nov 2017, Wayne Thayer wrote:

[cut CC: list, assuming we're all on the list]

- Subscribers already (or soon will) have CT logs and monitors available to 
detect mis-issued certs. They don't need CAA Transparency.

It's not for subscribers, but for CA's.

Transparency is nice, but it does not _prevent_ misissue. The goal of
CAA is to prevent misissue.

We don't need a CAA Transparency log, because the only thing that needs
logging is the DNSSEC chain of the CAA record or lack thereof at the
time of issue. And only the issuing CA needs this information in case
they need to defend that there was no CAA record preventing them from
issuing at the time. Of course, you could still stuff it in some
transparency log if you want, but it is pretty useless for endusers.

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