Hi all,

just 2 quick comments:

> On 30. Nov 2017, at 22:06, Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy 
> <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> This thread started as a discussion over possible mis-issuance that was
> determined to be false positives

We had reported 18 anomalies, of which my current (quick) count is 7 confirmed, 
9 pending, and 2 false positives. 
I do not think these numbers support a statement that the evaluator role is 
determined to create false positives.

> On 30. Nov 2017, at 21:12, Tim Hollebeek via dev-security-policy 
> <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> So it turns out DNSSEC solves CAA problems for almost nobody, because almost
> nobody uses DNSSEC.  And given the serious flaws both in DNSSEC itself and
> exiting DNSSEC implementations, it is unlikely to be part of any solution to
> the current problems CAA is facing

Of ~115k CAA-enabled base domains, we currently see 12% using DNSSEC. 
Of these 12%, ~1% (a count of ~130) have invalid signatures. 

I think those 12% would like to have the benefits of DNSSEC for CAA. 

We are writing up a report about out investigations that has numbers on most of 
the questions discussed. 
I will be happy to share it here it that would not be considered spam. 

Kind regards
dev-security-policy mailing list

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