On the contrary, everything needs to be improved with time.  Just because it 
could be made better doesn’t make it useless or bad.




From: Ryan Sleevi [mailto:r...@sleevi.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 1:09 PM
To: Tim Hollebeek <tim.holleb...@digicert.com>
Cc: r...@sleevi.com; Jonathan Rudenberg <jonat...@titanous.com>; 
Subject: Re: On the value of EV




On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Tim Hollebeek <tim.holleb...@digicert.com 
<mailto:tim.holleb...@digicert.com> > wrote:


Certainly, as you noted, one option is to improve EV beyond simply being an 
assertion of legal existence.


Does this mean we're in agreement that EV doesn't provide value to justify the 
UI then? ;-)


I say it loaded and facetiously, but I think we'd need to be honest and open 
that if we're saying something needs to be 'more' than EV, in order to be 
useful and meaningful to users - which is what justifies the UI surface, versus 
being useful to others, as Matt highlighted - then either EV meets the bar of 
UI utility or it doesn't. And if it doesn't, then orthogonal to and separate 
from efforts to add "Validation ++" (whether they be QWACS in eIDAS terms or 
something else), then there's no value in the UI surface today, and whether 
there's any value in UI surface in that Validation++ should be evaluated on the 
merits of Validation++'s proposals, and not by invoking EV or grandfathering it 

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