On Wed, 25 Apr 2018, Ryan Hurst via dev-security-policy wrote:

Multiple perspectives is useful when relying on any insecure third-party 
resource; for example DNS or Whois.

This is different than requiring multiple validations of different types; an 
attacker that is able to manipulate the DNS validation at the IP layer is also 
likely going to be able to do the same for HTTP and Whois.

which is why in the near future we can hopefully use RDAP over TLS (RFC
7481) instead of WHOIS, and of course since the near past, DNSSEC :)

I'm not sure how useful it would be to have multiple network points for
ACME testing - it will just lead to the attackers doing more then one
BGP hijack at once. In the end, that's a numbers game with a bunch of
race conditions. But hey, it might lead to actual BGP security getting
deployed :)

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