The answer to the question of what certificates they intend to CT log or
not may be interesting as a point of curiosity, but the in-product CT
logging requirements of certain internet browsers (Chrome, Safari) would
seem to ultimately force them to CT log the certificates that are intended
to be trusted by a broad set of internet browsers.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 12:01 PM rich.salz--- via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Apart from the concerns others have already raised, I am bothered by the
> wording of one of the Dark Matter commitments, which says that "TLS certs
> intended for public trust" will be logged. What does public trust mean?
> Does it include certificates intended only for use within their country?
> Those intended to be used only on a small, privately-specified, set of
> recipients?
> Perhaps a better way to phrase my question is: what certs would DM issue
> that would *not* be subject to their CT logging SOP?
> Is there any other trusted root that has made a similar exemption?
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