I would like to repeat my call for establishing a set of empirical requirements 
that take into account the context of DarkMatter's current position in the 
industry as well as their specific request for the inclusion of a specific root 

While I don't necessarily fully support the method with which Benjamin chose to 
address Ryan's contributions to the discussion so far, I think we're all 
choosing to kid ourselves here if we continue to say that the underlying 
impetus for this discussion isn't primarily sociopolitical. The sooner an end 
is put to this, the better.

The right thing to do, right now, is for there to be a documented process 
through which a set of empirical, falsifiable, achievable requirements are set 
by either Mozilla, the CABForum, or both, for DarkMatter to fulfill so that 
they can be considered for inclusion. If these requirements are (1) defined 
fairly and (2) achieved by DarkMatter verifiably, then great. Otherwise, too 

It is my humble belief that any alternative course of action is a further 
descent into distraction.
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