On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 10:18 AM nadim--- via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> I think we're all choosing to kid ourselves here if we continue to say
> that the underlying impetus for this discussion isn't primarily
> sociopolitical. The sooner an end is put to this, the better.

I don't think it's productive nor charitable to suggest that the
participants are behaving disingenuously, especially when it's been
repeatedly highlighted that the concerns are not and have not been
sociopolitical in nature. This seems unnecessarily dismissive of the
discussion to date, and likely prevents productive discourse.

> by either Mozilla, the CABForum, or both

I just want to highlight that the CA/Browser Forum has absolutely no
relevance to this discussion or matter, nor has it ever. The CA/Browser
Forum is merely a discussion forum for examining common baseline technical
requirements. It is not, nor has it ever, been an appropriate place to
discuss the inclusion, exclusion, or trustworthiness of given entities, and
has zero bearing whatsoever in the security and policy decisions
application software vendors may produce.
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