On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 10:29 PM Matthew Hardeman <mharde...@gmail.com>

> I would appreciate your thoughts on it.

I consider the matter more than settled, based on the clear historic
evidence, so I see no value in engaging further. The amount of time and
energy necessary to evaluate and reason about it seems extremely wasteful,
given the ease at which alternative and plainly obvious solutions to comply
with the existing language exist. I consider that only a single CA has
represented any ambiguity as being their explanation as to why the
non-compliance existed, and even then, clarifications to resolve that
ambiguity already existed, had they simply been sought.

I do appreciate the effort, even though I believe it misspent. I do
sincerely hope that this thoroughly beaten horse corpse may be left alone
for some time. Of all the things to improve in the BRs that can have real
and meaningful improvement to the ecosystem, this does not rate on my Top

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