Not looking for blanket approval – I stated it’d still be part of the audit 
report. We also aren’t directly impacted by this particular incident (which is 
why I brought it up here). The actual evaluation of the CA would remain up to 
Mozilla of course, but the really good discussion about 63 bits (especially the 
proposed ballot language) got me thinking about how we could apply this more 
generally to incident reports and how CAs can use them before deciding on a 
course of action. The underscore discussion was definitely good as well, and I 
felt had a great outcome.


I think the primary change I’m proposing is that the initial report shouldn’t 
be an incident report. Instead, the initial report can be short blurb posted to 
Mozilla along with a description on what the Ca plans to do. Then the community 
can talk about the plan in addition to the incident, rather than just the 




From: Ryan Sleevi <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 2:31 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley <>
Subject: Re: GoDaddy Revocation Disclosure




On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 4:17 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
<> > wrote:

A new flow that includes the community more fully could be:
1) Post to Mozilla, the post must include an initial proposed plan of action
2) Create an incident report (to track bugs)
3) Discuss on the Mozilla forum the proposed plan and post updated plans based 
on member suggestions
4) Post a final draft to Bugzilla
5) Post updates per a timeline set in the incident report
6) Wayne closes the bug.

This is probably a lot more work for the CA, but I know we'd find the community 
feedback on how to resolve issues useful. Maybe it could also change into a 
continuous flow of "How can X CA do better - here's some suggestions" instead 
of "Better put up the lightning rod and get through this". 


So, I think many of these elements are already captured in the current process, 
as the lengthy discussion with DigiCert regarding underscores [1], and this 
provides a model for engaging with the community and gathering feedback and 
concerns about the response.


CAs are responsible for drafting their initial incident reports, gathering 
feedback, and making a decision - much as DigiCert did with underscores. The CA 
is judged based on how well they considered and balanced the risks, there is 
opportunity for concerns about improving (an area DigiCert encountered with its 
own reports), and we move forward.


It would seem, from your broader message, that this is looking for some sort of 
blanket approval, independent of the CA or facts specific to that CA, and I 
think that's something that we've been explicitly trying to avoid - as the 
context matters. There are a number of hazards, which Matt Palmer highlighted 
during the discussion of underscores [2][3][4], and I think those still apply 
now as much as they did two and a half months ago.






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