On Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 9:09:35 PM UTC-4, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Richard Moore via dev-security-policy <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> 
> writes:
> >If any other CA wants to check theirs before someone else does, then now is
> >surely the time to speak up.
> I'd already asked previously whether any CA wanted to indicate publicly that
> they were compliant with BR 7.1, which zero CAs responded to (I counted them
> twice).  This means either there are very few CAs bothering with dev-security-
> policy, or they're all hunkering down and hoping it'll blow over, which given
> that they're going to be forced to potentially carry out mass revocations
> would be the game-theoretically sensible approach to take:
> Option 1: Keep quiet case 1 (very likely): -> No-one notices, nothing happens.
>           Keep quite case 2 (less likely): -> Someone notices, revocation 
> issues.
> Option 2: Say something -> Revocation issues.
> So keeping your head down would be the sensible/best policy.
> Peter.

IdenTrust confirms compliance: We do not run EJBCA, and our certificate serial 
number entropy is greater than what is required from BR 7.1.

Marco S.
dev-security-policy mailing list

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