On 13/03/2019 05.38, Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy wrote:
> Note that even 7 bytes or less may still be valid - for example, if the
> randomly generated integer was 4 [1], you might only have a one-byte serial
> in encoded form ( '04'H ), and that would still be compliant. The general
> burden of proof would be to demonstrate that these certificates were
> generated with that given algorithm you described above.
> [1] https://xkcd.com/221/

Not only that, but, in fact, any attempt to guarantee certain properties
of the serial (such that it doesn't encode to 7 bytes or less) *reduces*

In particular,

64bits_entropy = GetRandom64Bits() //This returns 64 random bits from a
CSPRNG with at least one bit in the highest byte set to 1

is, strictly speaking, not true. The best possible implementation for
GetRandom64Bits(), as described, only returns 63.994353 bits of entropy,
not 64.

Now whether 0.57% of a bit worth of entropy matters for practical
purposes, and for BR compliance purposes, is another matter entirely,
but the point is that *any* subsequent filtering and rejection of
serials with certain properties only *hurts* entropy, it doesn't help it.

Hector Martin "marcan" (mar...@marcan.st)
Public Key: https://mrcn.st/pub
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