The BRs require EKUs in leaf TLS certs, but there is no equivalent
requirement for S/MIME certificates. This leads to confusion such as [1] in
which certificates that are not intended for TLS or S/MIME fall within the
scope of our policies.

Simply requiring EKUs in S/MIME certificates won't solve the problem unless
we are willing to exempt certificates without an EKU from our policies, and
doing that would create a rather obvious loophole for issuing S/MIME
certificates that don't adhere to our policies.

The proposed solution is to require EKUs in all certificates that chain up
to roots in our program, starting on some future effective date (e.g. April
1, 2020). This has the potential to cause some compatibility problems that
would be difficult to measure and assess. Before drafting language for this
proposal, I would like to gauge everyone's support for this proposal.

Alternately, we could easily argue that section 1.1 of our existing policy
already makes it clear that CAs must include EKUs other than
id-kp-serverAuth and id-kp-emailProtection in certificates that they wish
to remain out of scope for our policies.

This is

I will greatly appreciate everyone's input on this topic.

- Wayne

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