On Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 9:36:06 AM UTC+9, Brian Smith wrote:

> I agree the requirements are already clear. The problem is not the clarity
> of the requirements. Anybody can define a new EKU because EKUs are listed
> in the certificate by OIDs, and anybody can make up an EKU. A standard
> isn't required for a new OID. Further, not agreeing on a specific EKU OID
> for a particular kind of usage is poor practice, and we should discourage
> that poor practice.

It is good that anyone can make OID, so we do not need to violate policy.

However, I have following concerns with increasing private OIDs in the world.
-I think that OID should be CA’s private OID or public OID. because, in the 
case of a CA is going to out of business, and that business was cared by 
another CA, we would not want those two CA using same OID for different usage.  
-In the other hand, CA’s private OIDs will reduce interoperability, which seems 
to be problematic,
-web browser might just ignore private OIDs, but I am not sure other 
certificate verification applications,
which is used for certificate of that private EKU OID. 

over all, I think we should have some kind of public OIDs, at least for widely 
use purpose.

I believe if it were used for internet, we can write Internet-Draft, and ask 
OIDs on RFC3280 EKU repo.
#I am planing to try that.

Tadahiko Ito
dev-security-policy mailing list

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