On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 6:20 PM Brian Smith <br...@briansmith.org> wrote:

> There are three (that I can think of) sources of confusion:
> 1. Is there any requirement that the signature algorithm that is used to
> sign a certificate be correlated in any way to the algorithm of the public
> key of the signed certificate? AFAICT, the answer is "no."
> 2. What combinations of public key algorithm (RSA vs. ECDSA vs EdDSA),
> Curve (N/A vs. P-256 vs P-384 vs Ed25519), and digest algorithm (SHA-256,
> SHA-384, SHA-512) are allowed? This is quite difficult to get *precisely*
> right in natural language, but easy to get right with a list of encodings.
> 3. Given a particular combination of algorithm, curve, and digest
> algorithm, which encodings of that information are acceptable? For example,
> when a a NULL parameter required and when is it optional. Again, this is
> hard to get right in natural language, and again, listing the encodings
> makes this trivial to get exactly right.
>  Agreed - is someone willing to take on this task?
> I could transform what I did with webpki into some text.
> However, first I think it would be useful if somebody could check that the
> encodings that webpki expects actually match what certificates in
> Certificate Transparency are doing. For example, does every CA already
> encode a NULL parameter when one is required by RFC 4055 (which is included
> by reference from RFC 5280)? Are there any algorithm combinations in use
> that aren't in webpki's list? This is something I don't have time to
> thoroughly check.

I agree with Brian here, unsurprisingly. Luckily, my colleague, David
Benjamin, had some time to do just what Brian proposes.

The following pull request - https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy/pull/183 -
demonstrates an attempt to resolve those three questions highlighted by

This does not, however, address the last part of what Brian proposes -
which is examining if, how many, and which CAs would fail to meet these
encoding requirements today, either in their roots, subordinates, or leaf

While this includes RSA-PSS, it's worth noting that mozilla::pkix does not
support these certificates, and also worth noting that the current encoding
scheme is substantially more verbose than desirable.
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