On Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 6:53:47 AM UTC-7, Robin Alden wrote:
> > The aforementioned comments, however, indicate CAs have reported that 
> > Microsoft does [require the EKU chaining].
> I agree that statement is true, but I think it inadvertently misleads.
> We cannot speak for Microsoft about what their requirements for 
> id-kp-OCSPSigning are, and we are not aware of documentation from Microsoft 
> that sets out the answer, but we do have experience that sheds some light on 
> the matter.
> The Scenario
> ===========
> We are a root CA.
> In compliance with Mozilla CA policy we signed a constrained intermediate CA 
> certificate whose public key corresponded to a private key held by a customer 
> organization.
> The constrained intermediate CA was to sign end entity certificates.
> The constrained intermediate CA was not directly to sign OCSP responses, but 
> instead was to sign an OCSP responder certificate that would be used to sign 
> OCSP responses.
> The intermediate CA certificate included an EKU, but the EKU did not include 
> id-kp-OCSPSigning.
> The first certificate that the intermediate CA was to sign was the OCSP 
> responder certificate, and the OCSP responder certificate was to include an 
> EKU with id-kp-OCSPSigning.
> The Problem
> ===========
> The customer was using Microsoft's Certificate Authority platform to issue 
> end entity certificates using the Intermediate CA.
> The customer found they were unable to issue the OCSP responder certificate 
> (including id-kp-OCSPSigning) because the Microsoft CA software would not 
> issue such a certificate since the signing CA (i.e. the intermediate CA) had 
> an EKU but did not include id-kp-OCSPSigning.  I.e. Microsoft's Certificate 
> Authority requires EKU chaining.
> An 'obvious' solution would have been to re-issue the Intermediate CA 
> certificate and include id-kp-OCSPSigning in its EKU.  Obviously wrong in 
> this case since had we done so the Intermediate CA (i.e. our customer) would 
> then have been able to sign OCSP responses for any certificate issued by our 
> Root CA.
> Another solution would have been to re-issue the Intermediate CA certificate 
> and omit the EKU extension altogether but this would have been against policy 
> since the BRs require the EKU to be present for a CA to be considered 
> technically constrained.
> The fix
> =====
> The work around was for us to create for our customer a second CA certificate 
> that had an EKU including id-kp-OCSPSigning and used the same public key and 
> subjectDN as the Intermediate CA certificate, but this time for us to sign it 
> with an untrusted CA.
> We anticipate that the customer could also have created a self-signed CA for 
> themselves using the Intermediate CA key, but did not test that.
> The Microsoft CA Platform was then happy to sign an OCSP responder 
> certificate including id-kp-OCSPSigning from this second untrusted CA.
> Since the key and subjectDN for the untrusted CA are the same as the key and 
> subjectDN of the Intermediate CA certificate, this OCSP responder certificate 
> also chains up through the Issuing CA to our trusted root.
> The OCSP responder could now be provisioned and the Intermediate CA could 
> then begin to issue end entity certificates whose OCSP responses were signed 
> by the OCSP responder certificate's key.
> The take-away
> ============
> The OCSP responses for the end entity certificates worked fine with browsers 
> on the web.
> As far as the relying parties were concerned, the only certificate that 
> included id-kp-OCSPSigning was the OCSP responder certificate.  No other 
> certificate in the chain included id-kp-OCSPSigning.
> So, while it is true to say that "Microsoft does require the EKU chaining", 
> for id-kp-OCSPSigning the only place we have observed them to require it is 
> in the Microsoft Certificate Authority software.
> We have no reason to believe that their operating systems or browsers require 
> EKU chaining for id-kp-OCSPSigning in the web PKI.
> Does anyone have any evidence to the contrary?
> Regards
> Robin Alden
> Sectigo Limited

This sounds right to me and I definitely remember ADCS behaving this way. Also 
the CRLF_IGNORE_INVALID_POLICIES flag will let you override and issue 
regardless, but obviously not recommended because it overrides all policy 

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