On 16/09/2019 23:58, Wayne Thayer wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 5:02 AM Rob Stradling wrote:
>     And so at this point ISTM that the OCSP responder is expected to
>     implement two conflicting requirements for the serial number in
>     question:
>         (1) MUST respond "good", because an unrevoked/unexpired
>     precertificate exists (and because BR 4.9.9 mandates a signed OCSP
>     response).
>         (2) SHOULD NOT respond "good" (see BR 4.9.10).
> If I'm reading BR 4.9.10 correctly, the situation is worse because it 
> goes on to state "Effective 1 August 2013, OCSP responders for CAs which 
> are not Technically Constrained in line with Section 7.1.5 MUST NOT 
> respond with a "good" status for such certificates." (referring to 
> 'certificates that have not been issued' from the prior paragraph)

Thanks Wayne.  You're right.

(I read the "SHOULD NOT" requirement, forgot it had been superseded, and 
didn't read further.  I wonder if it would be reasonable to remove the 
superseded requirement from the BRs now, given that it was superseded 
over 6 years ago?)

> If the desired outcome is for CAs to respond "good" to a precertificate 
> without a corresponding certificate, we could override the BRs in 
> Mozilla policy, but I'd want to get the BRs updated quickly as Rob 
> suggested to avoid audit findings.


> The other piece of this policy that's still unclear to me relates to the 
> "unknown" OCSP status. Specifically, Is it currently forbidden for a CA 
> to provide an "unknown" OCSP response for an issued certificate? If not, 
> should it be? The implication here would be that CAs responding 
> "unknown" to precertificates without corresponding certificates are 
> doing the right thing, despite prior precedent indicating that this is a 
> violation. [1]

This is making my brain hurt.

> - Wayne
> [1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1551390
>     Clearly that's impossible, which leads to the question: Which of these
>     two conflicting requirements should a CA ignore in order to be as
>     un-non-compliant as possible?  Which leads me to BR
>     <>:
>         'For purposes of clarification, a Precertificate, as described
>     in RFC
>          6962 – Certificate Transparency, shall not be considered to be a
>          “certificate” subject to the requirements of RFC 5280'
>     Since the first mention of "certificates" in the OCSP Protocol Overview
>     (RFC6960 section 2) cross-references RFC5280, I believe that this
>     'shall
>     not be considered to be a "certificate"' declaration can be assumed to
>     extend to the OCSP requirements too.  And therefore, the balance tilts
>     in favour of implementing 'SHOULD NOT respond "good"' and ignoring
>     'MUST
>     respond "good"'.
>     I can't say I like this conclusion, but nonetheless it is the
>     conclusion
>     that my reading of the BRs forces me to reach.  I realize that what the
>     BRs actually say may not reflect precisely what was intended by
>     CABForum; nonetheless, CAs are measured by what the BRs actually say.
>     Long-term:
>         - In CT v2 (6962-bis), precertificates are not X.509 certificates,
>     which removes Schrödinger from the equation.  :-)
>     Short-term:
>         - I think BR, as written, is decidedly unhelpful and should
>     be revised to have a much smaller scope.  Surely only the serial number
>     uniqueness requirement (RFC5280 section needs to be relaxed,
>     not the entirety of RFC5280?
>         - I would also like to see BR 4.9.10 revised to say something
>     roughly
>     along these lines:
>         'If the OCSP responder receives a status request for a serial number
>          that has not been allocated by the CA, then the responder
>          respond with a "good" status.'
>     P.S. Full disclosure: Sectigo currently provides an (unsigned)
>     "unauthorized" OCSP response when a precert exists but the
>     corresponding
>     cert doesn't, but in all honesty I'm not currently persuaded that an
>     Incident Report is warranted.
>     -- 
>     Rob Stradling
>     Senior Research & Development Scientist
>     Email: r...@sectigo.com <mailto:r...@sectigo.com>

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
Email: r...@sectigo.com
Bradford, UK
Office: +441274024707
Sectigo Limited

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