Thank you Ryan. Brian reviewed these changes back in May, so I've gone
ahead and accepted them for the 2.7 policy update:

I'll consider this issue resolved unless there are further comments.

- Wayne

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 1:38 AM Ryan Sleevi <> wrote:

> On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 7:43 PM Brian Smith <> wrote:
>> Ryan Sleevi <> wrote:
>>>> It would be easier to understand if this is true if the proposed text
>>>> cited the RFCs, like RFC 4055, that actually impose the requirements that
>>>> result in the given encodings.
>>> Could you clarify, do you just mean adding references to each of the
>>> example encodings (such as the above example, for the SPKI encoding)?
>> Exactly. That way, it is clear that the given encodings are not imposing
>> a new requirement, and it would be clear which standard is being used to
>> determine to correct encoding.
> Thanks, did that in
>> I realize that determining the encoding from each of these cited specs
>> would require understanding more specifications, including in particular
>> how ASN.1 DER requires DEFAULT values to be encoded. I would advise against
>> calling out all of these details individually less people get confused by
>> inevitable omissions.
> Hopefully struck the right balance. These changes are now reflected in the
> PR at
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