Are we to assume that the maximum certificate validity remains at 398 days?


From: Ryan Sleevi <> 
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 10:02 AM
To: Doug Beattie <>
Cc:; Kathleen Wilson <>;
Subject: Re: About upcoming limits on trusted certificates


Hi Doug,


Perhaps it got mangled by your mail client, but I think I had that covered?


I've pasted it again, below.


Counter proposal:

April 2021: 395 day domain validation max

April 2021: 366 day organization validation max 

April 2022: 92 day domain validation max

September 2022: 31 day domain validation max

April 2023: 3 day domain validation max

April 2023: 31 day organization validation max

September 2023: 6 hour domain validation max


As mentioned in the prior mail (and again, perhaps it was eaten by a grueful 

This sets an entirely timeline that encourages automation of domain validation, 
reduces the risk of stale organization data (which many jurisdictions require 
annual review), and eventually moves to a system where request-based 
authentication is the norm, and automated systems for organization data is 
used. If there are jurisdictions that don't provide their data in a machine 
readable format, yes, they're precluded. If there are organizations that don't 
freshly authenticate their domains, yes, they're precluded.
Now, it's always possible to consider shifting from an account-authenticated 
model to a key-authenticated-model (i.e. has this key been used with this 
domain), since that's a core objective of domain revalidation, but I can't see 
wanting to get to an end state where that duration is greater than 30 days, at 
most, of reuse, because of the practical risks and realities of key 
compromises. Indeed, if you look at the IETF efforts, such as Delegated 
Credentials or STAR, the industry evaluation of risk suggests 7 days is likely 
a more realistic upper bound for authorization of binding a key to a domain 
before requiring a fresh challenge.


Hopefully that helps!


On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 9:53 AM Doug Beattie < 
<> > wrote:



In your counter proposal, could you list your proposed  milestone dates and 
then for each one specify the max validity period, domain re-use period and Org 
validation associated with those dates?    As it stands, Org validation 
requires CA to verify that address is the Applicant’s address and that 
typically involves a direct exchange with a person at the organization via a 
Reliable Method of Communication.  It’s not clear how we address that if we 
move to anything below a year.

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