On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 11:13 AM Doug Beattie <doug.beat...@globalsign.com>

> For clarity, I think we need to discuss all the knobs along with proposed
> effective dates and usage periods so we get the whole picture.

I disagree with this framing, as I have pointed out it's been repeatedly
used disingenuously by some CAs in the past as a means to suggest no change
can be made sooner than a date. I refuse to engage in such a game that
suggests to take options off the table or suggests changes will not be made
sooner than X. While I appreciate the importance of setting milestones, I
don't think we need to set a hard milestone for lifetime in order to have a
productive and useful conversation about data reuse.

> The max validity period of the certificate has been the one receiving the
> most discussion recently, yet that’s missing from your counter proposal.
> Don’t you view that as a critical data item to put on the table, even if
> less important (in your opinion) than domain validation re-use?.

I don't view that as being necessary to nail down a timetable for, no. As I
previously explained, the ability to regularly revalidate the domain and
organization information makes it much easier to alter lifetime with no
impact. While it's been receiving the most attention, it's largely been
because the focus has been because the assumption is domain validation
reuse is or should be static, when we know that's quite the opposite from a
security perspective. It's true that reduced reuse does not guarantee that
reducing lifetimes are easier, but aligning with the previously provided
timeline will address the most vocal objections.

> Did you add Public key as a new knob, meaning that Applicants must change
> their public key according to some rule?

No, this is not a new knob. As I mentioned in my previous e-mail, which
addressed this, it's one of the pieces provided by the subscriber. This is
the knob that reducing lifetimes affects. Lifetimes, in the absence of
touching data reuse, only affords certainty with changes to the certificate
profile and the ability to replace public keys (e.g. in the event of
compromise / misissuance). You can see this most easily by examining TLS
Delegated Credentials, which intentionally creates a minimal-lifetime
"certificate-like" thing to ensure /the ability/ to timely rotate public
keys, even though it does not /require/ that rotation. That is, the reduced
lifetime of delegated credentials makes it possible, and it's otherwise not
possible without a reduced lifetime.
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