On Dec 13 2010, 4:33 pm, thorsten <thorsten.s...@email.de> wrote:
> On 13 Dez., 16:19, Adrienne Porter Felt <a...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
> > I still don't get how you think it will be effective. Either all pages
> > with listeners on forms will trigger your warning (much more often
> > than once a year), or the protection is trivially circumvented.
> > On Monday, December 13, 2010, thorsten <thorsten.s...@email.de> wrote:
> > > On 12 Dez., 17:17, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> > >> On 12/12/10 4:48 AM, thorsten wrote:
> > >> > The main costs I can see is at the moment:
> > >> > * Annoying the user (FPs, PopUps, forcing him to decide)
> > >> > * Maybe privacy issues if I go cloud
> > >> > * Maintainance (if there are to many FPs that must be fixed using the
> > >> > cloud-feature)
> > >> The one antivirus writers never seem to think about: performance impact.
> > >>   Maybe it's ok to make everything 10x slower for a slight marginal
> > >> safety increase, as AV software has a tendency to do.  But maybe not!
> > >> -Boris
> > > Hi
> > > I am an AV writer and we definetely do think about performance. But
> > > today you need lots of tools to get the Malware detected.
> > > Scanning the whole file for signatures (millions of signatures),
> > > extracting of archives, generics, emulation of binary stuff, parsing
> > > of HTML/Javascript,decryption...
> > > We try very hard but reality is just against us.
> > > There will always be some impact and you will always have to trade
> > > security for other things like performance. I will try to get this one
> > > as fast as possible, and I even think that with some smart pre-
> > > selection there are not many online lookups, resulting in only a very
> > > small performance impact.
> > > I think annoying the user is the thing thats more likely to happen
> > > than performance trouble. If I do not manage to reduce the user
> > > decisson fallback to (almost) zero the project fails. People are just
> > > not able to do any security decissions (especially when they are
> > > social engineered).
> > > But I promise: as soon as my large fear (annoying the user) is away
> > > and cared for I will measure the performance impact.
> > > Thanks
> > > Thorsten
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> Hi Adrienne
> I can not guarantee success. This one is an experiment. If it blows up
> I just have to make sure
> no one is harmed and I learn something.
> I wrote phising detection in our AV product with my own HTML Parser.
> The only information I got was
> the parsed HTML content ( something like the DOM tree specialised for
> detection) and it worked quite well.
> Not 100 % detection but only 1 or 2 FPs a year. On a global scale with>100M 
> customers. Pluging something into a browser will ge me more and
> better
> information to base the decission on. Adding some cloud/Reputation/
> Statistics backend will enable it to be even more accurate.
> But I am glad I can develop this as an extension, so no harm will be
> done. The extension will be marked "experimental" till
> I am satisfied with the results. These results will be available as
> soon as I got statistics.
> I will be away for a few weeks. See you next year.
> And again: Thank you guys. Without you I would have stumbled into some
> hazards unaware.
> Thorsten


I am back. To keep you informed: I got a day each week for this
project and I will get a server for a "Cloud" soonish.
With this server I will be able to reduce FPs and especially generate
statistics to improve the plugin (how many people had to decide, ...).
I will try to make these statistics public as a better foundation for

My goal is to get this research into the public space. The ideas/risks
I got from you have already proven me right.

Thorsten Sick
dev-security mailing list

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