On 12 Dez., 17:17, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On 12/12/10 4:48 AM, thorsten wrote:
> > The main costs I can see is at the moment:
> > * Annoying the user (FPs, PopUps, forcing him to decide)
> > * Maybe privacy issues if I go cloud
> > * Maintainance (if there are to many FPs that must be fixed using the
> > cloud-feature)
> The one antivirus writers never seem to think about: performance impact.
>   Maybe it's ok to make everything 10x slower for a slight marginal
> safety increase, as AV software has a tendency to do.  But maybe not!
> -Boris


I am an AV writer and we definetely do think about performance. But
today you need lots of tools to get the Malware detected.
Scanning the whole file for signatures (millions of signatures),
extracting of archives, generics, emulation of binary stuff, parsing
of HTML/Javascript,decryption...
We try very hard but reality is just against us.

There will always be some impact and you will always have to trade
security for other things like performance. I will try to get this one
as fast as possible, and I even think that with some smart pre-
selection there are not many online lookups, resulting in only a very
small performance impact.
I think annoying the user is the thing thats more likely to happen
than performance trouble. If I do not manage to reduce the user
decisson fallback to (almost) zero the project fails. People are just
not able to do any security decissions (especially when they are
social engineered).

But I promise: as soon as my large fear (annoying the user) is away
and cared for I will measure the performance impact.

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